NODES 19/Dec/2019 Symposium VIDEOS

The symposium entitled:
The T&T National Policy on Persons with Disabilities: What Now? Where Now?

Speakers were:

  1. Senator Paul Richards
  2. Mr Glen Niles, Founder and Chairperson of the Down Syndrome Family Network
  3. Mrs Ria Mohammed Davidson, Attorney at Law
  4. Mrs Nicole Cowie, Mental Health and Disability Activist

DATE OF SYMPOSIUM: 19th December 2019
Place: CLL The University of the West Indies, St Augustine
UWI’s Centre for Language and Learning (CLL)

NODES 19/Dec/2019 Symposium.… Read the rest “NODES 19/Dec/2019 Symposium VIDEOS”

NODES 19/Dec/2019 Symposium. Mrs Nicole Cowie, Mental Health and Disability Activist

The T&T National Policy on Persons with Disabilities: What Now? Where Now? Network and Outreach for Disability Education and Sensitization (NODES)
19th December 2019 Symposium
Place: UWI’s Centre for Language and Learning (CLL)
The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad

NODES 19/Dec/2019 Symposium. Mrs Ria Mohammed Davidson, Attorney at Law

The T&T National Policy on Persons with Disabilities: What Now? Where Now? Network and Outreach for Disability Education and Sensitization (NODES)
19th December 2019 Symposium
Place: UWI’s Centre for Language and Learning (CLL)
The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad

NODES 19/Dec/2019 Symposium. Mr Glen Niles, Founder & Chairperson of Down Syndrome Family Network

The T&T National Policy on Persons with Disabilities: What Now? Where Now? Network and Outreach for Disability Education and Sensitization (NODES)
19th December 2019 Symposium
Place: UWI’s Centre for Language and Learning (CLL)
The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad

NODES 19/Dec/2019 Symposium. Prof Paula Morgan Introduces Speakers. Senator Paul Richards 1st Speaker

The T&T National Policy on Persons with Disabilities: What Now? Where Now? Network and Outreach for Disability Education and Sensitization (NODES)
19th December 2019 Symposium
Place: UWI’s Centre for Language and Learning (CLL)
The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad

Dr Jean Antoine-Dunne NODES Founder “Towards Inclusion, Integration Of People With Disabilities”

Tuesday 24 December 2019 Jean Antoine – Dunne
Published by Trinidad and Tobago NEWSDAY


ON DECEMBER 19 at the University of the West Indies, the Network for Outreach and Disability Education and Sensitisation (NODES) hosted a symposium that asked the question, What Now?… Read the rest “Dr Jean Antoine-Dunne NODES Founder “Towards Inclusion, Integration Of People With Disabilities””