Empowering Persons With Disabilities Through Sport

Mon May 11 2015 Anand Ram­per­sad
Published by Trinidad and Tobago Guardian

It was very en­light­en­ing that Sport formed part of the dis­cus­sions en­ti­tled “To­wards So­cial In­te­gra­tion: Rights, Roles, Recog­ni­tion of per­sons with Dis­abil­i­ties” host­ed by the Network and Out­reach for Disabil­i­ty Ed­u­ca­tion and Sen­si­ti­za­tion (NODES) and the Disabil­i­ty Stud­ies Unit, UWI April 23rd-24th at the UWI, St.… Read the rest “Empowering Persons With Disabilities Through Sport”