A Message from Dr Jean Antoine-Dunne
In January 2014, I invited a number of university lecturers and other persons, who have all been working in the field of disability, to come together to form a network that would use the University of the West Indies as a platform for facilitating the sensitization of the public to the needs and potential of those with disabilities.
We have since chosen the name Network and Outreach for Disability Education and Sensitization (NODES).
Disability as defined by the World Health Organisation here refers to impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions.
The network has held a number of meetings and has formulated aims and objectives and a plan of action.
Our Aims
Our Aims Are:
To support education and consciousness raising in relation to persons with disabilities.
To sensitize the public to challenges faced by persons with disabilities.
To facilitate self-representation on the part of persons with disabilities.
To stimulate media awareness.
To address stereotyping and to promote positive portrayals of persons with disabilities.
To encourage inclusion of persons with disabilities.
To remove societal restrictions.
To promote access to education and in particular higher education.
A Plan Of Action
We have agreed on a plan of action, which I outline below:
NODES seeks to leverage its UWI positioning to connect existing diverse groups currently working in the field of disability in Trinidad and Tobago. The intention is to act as facilitators and integrators and to create interfaces between these organizations.
Research, publicize and seek access to media.
Publish a magazine that targets the general public and includes contributions from persons with varying disabilities. The magazine to be distributed electronically and in paper format.
Make and distribute a documentary film on disability.
Plan a disabilities workshop on the theme: Integration through Innovation for the University of the West Indies St Augustine campus initiation week in September 2014.
Plan and organize workshops culminating in an academic conference on disabilities in 2015.
Interface with the University of the West Indies Academic Support Disabilities Liaison Unit and the Disability Studies Unit at St Augustine.
Our Board Members Are
Dr. Jean Antoine-Dunne (Founder)
Dr Jacqueline Huggins, Chairperson
Dr Margaret Nakhid Chatoor
Dr. Benjamin Braithwaite (Coordinator of the Diploma in Caribbean Sign Language Interpreting, the University of the West Indies, St Augustine)
Mrs Afiya France
Mr Ian Dhanoolal
Dr Marcia Nathai-Balkissoon